Thursday, March 25, 2010

Inspiration Today

When we do a task we cross 3 stages.
First - Insult, Second- Opposition and Third - Acceptance.
Fools stop on First, Losers stop on Second and Winners cross Third.
May you be a Winner in all that you do......

Monday, March 22, 2010

Thought For The Day

Have You Ever Observed????
Letters A, B, C and D do not appear in the spellings of 1 to 99.
D appears first time in HUNDRED.
A appears first time in THOUSAND.
B appears first time in BILLION.
C appears first time in CRORE...
So you see, everybody has to wait for his turn and his share of SUCCESS...
May SUCCESS Be All Yours.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Motivation Today

While you were learning to speak,
Your Mom understood everything you tried to say.
Today you speak a lot and claim,
"Mom You Don't Understand"
How life changes.........
Have a good day.........

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Inspiration For The Day

In rain all birds take shelter
But EAGLE is the only bird
That avoids rain by flying above the Clouds.
Problems are common but attitide makes the DIFFERENCE........

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Inspiration For The Day

If you wait until all the lights are Green before you leave home,
You'll never get started on your trip to the top...
So What are you waiting for??
Get Going and Try to Reach your Destination Before the Others Do.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Inspiration For The Day

Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration.
May all these positive aspects help you through in your journey to SUCCESS.
ALL THE BEST for your forthcoming Board Exam.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Motivation For The Day

Some people dream of success...
While others wake up and work hard at it.

Thought For The Day

You have to believe in yourself when no one else does .
That is what makes you a WINNER.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thought For The Day

Forget about all the reasons why something may not work.

You only need to find out one good reason WHY IT WILL.

Important Questions Answered - Class X


What is the purpose of the presence of Tiny Tim in the play "A Christmas Carol"?

Tiny Tim Is a loveable character, a child any parent would like to have.

The Cratchit family loves Tim like anything and knows they would lose him if nothing is done soon enough to save him.

It serves another purpose – that of arousing affection in the heart of the heartless/hard-hearted Scrooge who lacks any feelings or emotions for anyone.

Scrooge was able to realize the importance of having a family, of caring and sharing and also what it means to love and to be loved by someone only when he is able to get a glimpse of the Cratchit House. Due to this he argues with the Second Ghost who is taunting him that something must be done for the poor and the suffering.

So he ultimately undergoes a change of heart and after his ordeal with the Third Ghost is over he becomes a foster father for Tiny Tim.

Why did Charles Dickens emphasize the fact that Scrooge does not like Christmas in the beginning of the play?

Transformation of Scrooge is the essence of the play.

Charles Dickens wanted to explain the importance & the essence of Christmas through the play.

For this he created the character of Ebenezer Scrooge who was totally an anti-Christian. He did not believe in Christmas & explicitly hated all those who loved to celebrate this festival. (……Christmas - Bah – Humbug )

When he meets the spirit of Jacob Marley and the three ghosts he undergoes a complete change of heart.

The utter selfish, miserly and anti-social Scrooge changes to one who is soft-hearted , understands the importance of relationships and starts honouring Christmas in his heart not only on the day of Christmas but all through the year.
The change that has come over in Scrooge is noteworthy and convincing enough to make the readers understand that the festival of Christmas does not mean celebration & merry-making only. But also to care and share the problems , sufferings & joys with the others.

Scrooge had everything he wanted but still he was always gloomy and bitter.
Bob was a poor man but he was always cheerful and happy. What does this reveal about their characters?

Scrooge had everything . But what he had was only material wealth and property. Can we eat, drink or enjoy the paper currency.
No , it is only the emotional strength that makes us happy. And where does the emotional strength come to us from – it comes from family and friends that we have around us.
A celebration becomes worthwhile & a tragedy or a mishap becomes bearable with our close associates around us.
Scrooge had no family, friends or close associates. Therefore he was always gloomy , unhappy and cheerless all the time as he had no reason to be happy.

Bob Cratchit was poor, is not paid much to support his large family. Due to this his son Tiny Tim was on the verge of death. He could do nothing to save him – knew this fact & was able to accept it bravely due to his positivity.
He is a good husband and an even better father .
Due to this he is happy, contented and and spreads happiness around. He is able to pass on his positivity to his family.
Example – Children sharing work with Mother at the Christmas meal , Tiny Tim praying in the church , Mrs. Cratchit accepting that she should praise Mr. Scrooge in front of the kids & raising a toast in his name.
So the crux is that happiness comes to us not from material wealth or physical comforts. It comes to us from our inner self , if we want we can be happy and can smile in the face of difficulties & troubles.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thought For The Day

It takes a strong fish to swim against the current.

Even a dead one can float with it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thought Of The Day

A small Dot can Stop a Big Sentence.
A Few more Dots can give a continuity.
Amazing but True
"Every Ending can be a New Beginning."
All The Best For Your Exams.