Monday, February 25, 2013

Be Confident

Source – Posted on Monday, February 25, 2013 With the CBSE board exams on March 1, Geetanjali Kumar, CBSE counsellor, offers last-minute tips to students on how to cope with stress and be best prepared. All set for the show. That should be the right spirit. You have been studying hard, so you must be well-prepared for the exams. Do not let stress or fear have any impact on your confidence level. If you have any negative thoughts, do not bottle up. Rather, confide in someone you trust. The board exams may be the all-important thing right now, but in the bigger scheme of life, it will play a smaller role. Last-minute revision • Find a quiet and a comfortable place to study, with minimum distractions and minimum background noise • Keep everything you need, ready in hand • Ensure enough time to revise • Use technology - Record the important points, definitions, formulas, dates and listen to them as and when you feel • Work on a time table so that you can track and monitor your progress • Allow time for fun and relaxation • When you notice that you lack concentration, take a short break • Do not waste time in reading the entire book. Just scan through the important points, examples, diagrams, tables and charts, etc • For last-minute revisions, use memory aids, which are quick and easier to memorise. Use numbers, acronyms, mnemonics, stories, flowcharts, spider webs, etc. • To retain information, while reading, follow the text with a pencil and whisper the text to yourself to ensure progress • Frequent mock tests with sample papers may be helpful • Take adequate rest between two study slots - a brisk walk, a game of basket ball or badminton or a stroll in a nearby market to relax and unwind • A healthy diet with fruits and fresh liquid ensure active learning. Avoid experimenting with new dishes in the last few days so that you don’t fall sick • Light breathing exercises or listening to music, reading few pages of a book or catching up with your favourite serial for half an hour are all positive stress busters • Sleep adequately in the days just before the exams • Studying in groups can also help validate one’s preparations, apart from clarifying certain doubts • Do not ignore diagrams, tables or graphs or maps given in your text books • Practice for a legible handwriting by writing big and bold. Devise a personal strategy and put it to practice in the last lap before the exams: • Scan the test paper • Start with the easiest • Move on and come back • Allot time to each question • Neat and clean answer sheets • Revise Do not pick up a new book or a new topic in the last few days. Make sure you keep all things — admit card, pens, pencils, scale, etc — you need to carry on the day of the exam in one place. Confirm and visit the examination venue before the exam. Discuss the transportation time and mode with your parents. As told to Aaditi Isaac