Friday, January 14, 2011

Julius Caesar


• A Soliloquy is a speech which a character makes to himself when he is alone.
• In this, he expresses his deepest and most secret thoughts as nobody is listening to him.
• He is able to speak freely without any restrictions.
• In a theatrical performance the soliloquy was used as a means of expressing a character’s private thoughts which were to be brought out when the dramatist wanted a character to reveal his private thoughts to the audience without any other character coming to know of his thoughts.

Soliloquies by Antony-

1. There are two soliloquies by Antony. After the conspirators have left him alone with the dead body of Caesar, Antony comes out with a soliloquy that he would do his utmost to instigate the people against the murderers of Caesar and that he would cause a bloody civil war in the country.
2. This is a forceful soliloquy in which Antony expresses his secret determination to avenge the murder of Caesar. This is of course a highly secret resolve by Antony and it could be expressed only in a soliloquy.
3. The Second Soliloquy takes place after Antony succeeded in inciting the people for a rebellion against the conspirators. He says that mischief is now afoot and that it would take its own course. Here Antony is privately expressing his satisfaction at the result which he had achieved by addressing the mob.


1. The play reveals that the mob does not have the capacity for thinking independently and it is somewhat unsteady in its opinions and views.
2. Throughout the play they reveal that it is easy to influence and sway the mob.
3. Anyone who targets the sentiments and emotions of the mob is able to convince the mob and win over its confidence.
4. Is the mob capable to understand the reasoning of Brutus?? The mob has a great respect for Brutus and therefore it quickly falls under the spell of Brutus’ arguments, though the mob is not fully able to comprehend what Brutus is speaking. The mob does not understand ideas such as freedom and slavery. The common people do not have any idea of what is meant by the rights and liberties of people. That is why when the mob says that Brutus should be given a statue with his ancestors and further that Brutus should be made Caesar, the mob reveals the fact that it has not understood at all that Brutus spoke. It could not understand that Caesar was a selfish man and that he was murdered because he could have become a dictator and could have crushed their rights. It is most illogical on their part to offer to give Brutus, the position and title of Caesar.
5. The mob’s quick response to Antony’s emotional speech-
When the mob is addressed by Antony, it quickly falls under the influence of Antony’s rhetoric.
Due to this, the mob is filled with a great pity for the dead Caesar and a fierce hatred for the conspirators. Therefore, the slogans are shouted that they would seek the conspirators, burn their houses and kill them.
The mob does not have the capacity to consider matters and affairs in a rational manner. These people are lacking in common sense though they respond quickly and spontaneously to an emotional speech.
The mob is uneducated and therefore, irrational. But it does have the capacity to feel. Antony’s speech moves them greatly because it is addressed not to their intelligence but to their feelings and emotions.